Cheerleader Charli

Cheerleader Charli Project Instructions
Welcome to the Cheerleader Charli adventure! Here's how you can participate:
Did You Receive Cheerleader Charli? We’ve sent you a full-color printed version of Cheerleader Charli! She’s ready to go on her next adventure with you.
Take Cheerleader Charli on an Adventure: Whether it’s to an event, practice, a family vacation, a local landmark, or even a special event – the possibilities are endless!
Photograph or Document: Capture moments of Cheerleader Charli in action. Take pictures of her in different places and with different people. Upload your picture/s to our website dedicated to Cheerleader Charli and tell us a little bit about Cheerleader Charli adventure so we can share it with the world.
Send Cheerleader Charli Around the World: Once you’ve shown Cheerleader Charli around a little and taken some amazing photos. Send Cheerleader Charli to a friend, family member, or even give it to another cheerleader at an event. That way she can go visit another city or country. They can take pictures, upload them to our website, write about her visit, and then send them on to someone else!
Check Back Often: After you’ve shared your photos and stories, check back often to see your pin on the map and your picture in our gallery. You might even spot some other fun submissions from our community on our social media pages!